The "High Plains Thumper" liar

A worthless nym-shifting moron who has also posted under all sorts of "nyms" such as Rafael for example. When accused of 'nym-shifting' he first denied it then did a pathetic attempt to ignore the accusation. When confronted with overwhelming evidence he then claimed that his pathetic nym-shifting was some sort of "social experiment" - is this guy a total loser or what?

He is often taken to task for making ridiculous statements that are grossly wrong. When confronted with facts that prove him to be an idiot he resorts to childish posting where he replies with some made up FAQ as if it proves something. All it proves is that "High Plains Rafael" is simply one of the dumbest linux advocates on the planet.

1 comment:

  1. It is true. HPT is one of the dumbest "advocates" ever to grace the fields of battle in COLA. He makes is Lloyd Christmas to 7's Albert Einstein - he really is that "dumber".
