The Rexx Ballard liar

This blog would exceed its storage quota if we were to list all of the lies made by this looney tune. His posts tend to be about 100 pages long and rarely contain any truth or facts. He likes to claim how 8 out of 10 computers really run linux instead of Windows and how Microsoft had secret meetings with Novell in such and such a year. But somehow nobody anywhere knows anything about these "secret meetings" other than Rexx and there is no proof whatsoever for any of the claims he made.

Other "claims" from Rexx include that - He is the one who really developed Java. He also developed the web-browser. And SSH. And SSL. And that Martin-Marietta broke into his high school locker in order to steal plans for what they turned into military weapons.

If you want to see just how wacky and looney a linux advocate can get do read one of Rexx's posts and notice all of the grandiose claims that are routinely made followed by the complete lack of supporting evidence.

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